Les résultats sont d’excellents facteurs de motivation pour la discipline.
J’avais l’habitude d’aller ici et là au gym, où les heures populaires et la conversation non sollicitée en faisaient une couple de raisons de porter des écouteurs. Ai-je fait une étude approfondie de ce qui est une façon efficace de m’entraîner? Non. Mais j’ai spotté des entraîneurs personnels qui suggéraient des programmes auxquels je ne pouvais aucunement me connecter.
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Results are great motivators for discipline.
I used to inconsistently go to the gym, where the popular hours and the unsolicited conversation made it a reason to wear headphones. Did I do an in-depth study of what is an effective way to work out? No. But I did see personal trainers that suggested programs that I couldn’t personally connect to.
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Alors. J’ai finalement eu le courage de me joindre à un club de course.
Ça fait maintenant quelques années, et je peux vous le dire, ce n’était pas facile. Mes pensées, la veille, incluaient; est-ce-que je vais ralentir le groupe? Est-ce-que je vais courir bizarrement? Est-ce-que je vais pouvoir finir ou est-ce-que le groupe va devoir m’attendre? Et s’ils ne m’aiment pas non plus?
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I finally built the courage to show up at a running club.
This happened a few years ago and let me tell you, it was not easy. My thoughts, the eve of, included; what if I slow down the whole group, and what if I run funny, and what if I can’t finish and they all have to wait for me, and what if they don’t like me on top of all that?
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By Simon Freeman __________ The heavy clouds casting a mid-afternoon gloom - that makes it feel hours later than it actually is - tell me that I need to get to bed early tonight. That I shouldn’t indulge in too many episodes of the Netflix series I’m currently working my way through. Staying up late means I won’t get enough sleep to make the most of the day tomorrow. The gathering clouds tell me that snow is on the way. Of course, I don’t need to make a detailed observation of the streaks of Altostratus clouds and combine that...
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